What is the Le Tour Des Old-er Farts?
Well you need to go back to 18th June 2011 when these two mates rode Lands End to John O'Groats in 14 Days. If you need reminding or want follow their adventures then please go to
TourDesOldFarts.blogspot.com and read their account of the ride. Their ups and downs and many humourous anecdotes.
The first adventure came about by Gary asking Chris to join him on this journey. It was mentioned at the time, that Gary could be forgiven for suggesting such a journey as he had had a few too many drinks. This could not be said for Chris, who doesn't drink and therefore must have agreed out of pure stupidity. The first tour name was created by their good friend Debby.
So here we are 6 years later, alcohol had passed Gary's lips again and Chris has not got any cleverer and agreed that they would ride most Westerly to most Easterly ( Lands End to Lowerstoft Ness) and so it's become known as Le Tour Des Old-er Farts - The Sequel, thank you Debby!
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