Day 3 - Honiton to Bath
After yesterday's torture a slight reworking of today's route seemed essential. We have worked out that A roads are generally less steep than the B and unclassified that we planned to follow: clever huh!
8.45 saw us leaving our very friendly Premier Inn on an industrial estate in the rain, and heading out on an incredibly busy A303 and indeed spending most of the day on A roads.
It is mainly noisy and somewhat intimidating sharing a main road with all the various trucks, vans and cars with only a day-glow jacket as protection. On a lot of the roads today we forced traffic to slow right down behind us while we went uphill; sorry about that chaps, on the other hand, up yours. I might rename this tour 'Rolling Road Block'
The day turned out to be less arduous than expected and we are back to B roads tomorrow.
We had coffee and toasted teacakes in Somerton, ancient capital of Wessex, which is an extremely attractive old town I would have liked to have spent more time in.
Lunch was in a largely deserted Oak Hill Inn, in Oak Hill (luckily for us downhill). Very nice it was too. Am I going on about food, well when cycling, food takes on an importance of mammoth proportions.
After a few more hills we sped downhill into Bath faster than the traffic; always satisfying.
Tonight at Tracey's flat, staying in with a curry; food again!
8.45 saw us leaving our very friendly Premier Inn on an industrial estate in the rain, and heading out on an incredibly busy A303 and indeed spending most of the day on A roads.
It is mainly noisy and somewhat intimidating sharing a main road with all the various trucks, vans and cars with only a day-glow jacket as protection. On a lot of the roads today we forced traffic to slow right down behind us while we went uphill; sorry about that chaps, on the other hand, up yours. I might rename this tour 'Rolling Road Block'
The day turned out to be less arduous than expected and we are back to B roads tomorrow.
We had coffee and toasted teacakes in Somerton, ancient capital of Wessex, which is an extremely attractive old town I would have liked to have spent more time in.
Lunch was in a largely deserted Oak Hill Inn, in Oak Hill (luckily for us downhill). Very nice it was too. Am I going on about food, well when cycling, food takes on an importance of mammoth proportions.
After a few more hills we sped downhill into Bath faster than the traffic; always satisfying.
Tonight at Tracey's flat, staying in with a curry; food again!
You were lucky to have food,apparently all the delivery lorries were held up by some 'rolling Road block' that played havoc with their "TACOS"!